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The War in Israel

Stars of David Project

The Stars of David Project is a heartfelt response to the unfathomable violence and tragic loss of lives that has devastated Israel on and since October 7th. 


Liora Blum, an Israeli resident, is overwhelmed with a profound sense of grief. "In Israel, we are like a family and each person that was killed is mourned as if they were our own son or daughter, sibling or parent. The loss of Israeli soldiers every day leaves me torn between gratitude for their bravery and horror at the price that they and their families must pay."


Liora has channelled her response with this artistic tribute, inspired by the haunting words of Bono (U2 lead singer) from his October 8 performance: Stars of David, they took your life, but they could not take your pride.  ​


Characteristic of the Six Million Project, Blum has painstakingly hand-painted a composition of triangles to represent unique individuals and emphasize every person's story within the broader canvas of tragedy. Within the composition, myriad Stars of David seem to appear and disappear, a visual symphony of stars.  

The scanned painting, when uploaded to a dedicated site, will act as a digital sanctuary to honor each individual. Clicking on individual triangles reveals a corresponding person, a database preserving their names, details, and photos.


Accessible in both English and Hebrew, this digital sanctuary will offer solace to families and serves as a global tribute, providing a place for remembrance of those who will forever live on through our hearts.

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